
PA 3100 HV







PA 3100 HV





About our


"The facts, although interesting, have little to do with the decision" is a famous quote that applies beautifully to audio amplifiers. When asked about the most important specifications for an amplifier, most competent designers would respond with "all of them" or "none of them." This is because the specifications are the end result of designing an amplifier with the characteristics that the designer believes produce great music. While the watts per channel may be important, whether 500 watts are better than 50 watts depends on what you consider "better" to mean. More power or more control? There is no wrong answer; it's simply a matter of understanding the term. We have carefully chosen partners from around the world who share common traits. Firstly, they all prioritize music over specifications. Secondly, their designers understand that the ultimate goal is better music, which involves timbre, timing, linearity, etc. Finally, all our partners have been in business for a long time and offer unmatched customer service and outstanding build quality.



T+A Elektroakustik is a family-owned company that its original proprietors manage. If we ask ourselves why T+A equipment is so unique, the answer is that they have the freedom to implement their convictions and focus on long-term goals rather than just the next quarter. This independence enables them to achieve core objectives at an achievable pace with outside investors. For instance, it took three years to develop the first product in their HV series, which became a huge success. Our company founder is passionate about music and technology, believes in science and the laws of physics, and always aims to push those limits as far as possible. These values are infused into every T+A device and will continue to guide them for future generations.